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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


About the Blog

By way of introduction, I should tell you that I have been in elected office for several terms now and my growing cynicism is not from a natural aptitude for being cynical.  As such, I optimistically still hold on to a glimmer of hope that I can make a difference if I persevere in this nutty business.  It is certainly important enough to try, at very least.  Besides, I have travelled internationally enough now to recognize that while the American political system is shoddy and full of problems, it is still the best thing going in the free world.  (read: you have nowhere to go, in case you were thinking of shopping for a better homeland).

Because I want to be able to write enough useful inside glimpses into the “real” process, without destroying relationships that are vital to my ability to do my job, I am going to be forced to intentionally change names, locations, etc. so as not to allow some super bright reader to figure out my identity or the identity of any of the characters (and I do mean “characters") that will be highlighted here.  Essentially, you are going to get the transparency you crave because no one’s rear end will be on the line here.  That said, I am going to mention folks by their real names once in awhile when I think they deserve a real “shout out” from Americans for their good acts.  I know that this sounds a bit hypocritical, but it is my blog and I get to make the rules here.  So, this being a free country, you are hereby permitted to stop reading and go about your way if you find it offensive or wrong that I am picking and choosing, as the blog author, when I will “out” people and when I won’t.

Warning: I know how to write in complete grammatically correct sentences.  You will note, however, that I regularly choose not to.  Please save your grammar-correcting amateur writing critic comments for someone who cares.  This is going to be like a conversation and in real conversation, only nerds speak solely in complete sentences.  Got it?  Good.  (See?  It works.)

Oh, and one other thing:  I take requests...  Dying to know the insider perspective on something you have heard rumored?  Ask me.

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